Thursday, November 21, 2013

Why Do I Read? (post #1)

I read for many different reasons. Sometimes I read because I'm forced to in English class, while other times I read for entertainment. When it comes to being told what to read, I don't enjoy it nearly as much when compared to having freedom to pick any book I want. So I mainly do it for the sake of entertaining myself. Reading is like a gateway to escape your daily life. One of the best feelings ever is when you've hit the point that you're so intrigued by the characters and plot, that time escapes you and you feel as if you are the main character. That's my favorite part of reading and the main reason as to why I do it. Books that are narrated in first person are my favorite. The use of "I" is really what enables you to insert yourself into the character. It almost bonds you together, as you repeat "I" over and over again in your head. Once you're so consumed by the character and what is going on with him/her, that's when reading is ten times more enjoyable and meaningful. No matter what, you always have a way to let go off the daily stress and escape for a few minutes, or even a few hours. And that is why I read.

cute kitty awh ----->

Here's a link to one of my favorite books: